Sunday, November 14, 2010

A 25-mile long parking lot

Why is it when you're pressed against time to get somewhere, Murphy's Law inevitably strikes like in the opening scene of Office Space when Peter is stuck in traffic and the other lane always moves faster than his?

We experienced this firsthand Friday night. We were hurrying to a friend's house and had just gotten onto the interstate when traffic slowed, and then stopped only a couple miles down the road.

We turned on the radio and learned an accident had stopped and backed up traffic for 20 miles. Thankful that we hadn't been in or near the accident and praying for those who had, all we could do was sit and wait and creep forward every so often.

What should have taken only 20 minutes, took over an hour to drive. And we watched halfway amused when even after switching lanes a couple times the other lane always moved faster than ours. All we could do was sit in the car, thankful we weren't out in the rain, and take photos of the parking lot the interstate had become. So here's to clear roads and realizing how thankful we should be when traffic moves even remotely close to the speed limit.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to my daily commute in & out of houston!!! Isn't it FUN!? ... Oi!
