Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas highlights

This is what Christmas gifts look like when your 3-year-old nephew "helps."

And this is what a boardgame stalemate that feels like an eternity looks like. In this game (which we used to play for hours when we were very little), you have to draw a card with the exact number to move to the end and win. Waiting for this card can take what feels like forever.
...until someone who shall remain nameless draws the winning card and gets to move forward the exact two spaces they needed to win. Humph.

And this is what a super-sweet husband looks like in the rearview mirror when he says it's his turn to pump gas even though it's really yours:

And this is how bright and cheery the red bow looks on the railing by the door, greeting you when you get home from spending a wonderful weekend with family celebrating Christmas.

Thank God for so many blessings to be thankful for and highlights to enjoy. Hope yours was filled with overflowing joy and blessings.

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