Saturday, May 21, 2011

A day on the farm

Today was filled with adventures on the farm where I grew up. We started the morning scouring Eaton's Greenhouse for the perfect flowers to grace the planters and flower boxes around the farm.

The ride back to the farm was filled with lots of laughter and fun conversation.

The afternoon was filled with meeting all the new baby critters, from the month-old calves, to Flower's kittens, and the baby chicks.

Puff Puff, one of last year's kittens, was very affectionate and constantly underfoot. She LOVES to be petted and loved.

The setting sun's last rays lit up the thunderheads all around. Tonight's storms brought hail and a rush of rain. We watched the weather's fury from the safety of the back porch and were glad the chores were done for the day.

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